Directing, Writing & Editing

I’ve never been one to wait for opportunity. When I realized that the roles that appealed to me were going to be far and few between in Richmond, I began writing stories that pushed the envelope for even me. Being a fan of black comedy and the macabre led me down the path to write my first two films. Luckily, I was helped out by some great friends that were hungry to do something more as well. Doing so has taught us all to be better story tellers. The mistakes that won’t be repeated are priceless reminders that we’ll always be learning. The uniqueness of telling a story in a particular way simply because we know no other way, was one of the greatest lessons of them all.

In addition to writing and directing, I’ve fallen in love with the editing process. Deciding what moment best lends itself to the intensity of a scene, or how to best cut to someone’s offhand eye roll is like putting together an intricate puzzle. How something is edited together can completely change how the story is told.